I actually have nothing better to do at this moment. I have played Angry Birds (check it out), walked around the airport, had my Dilettante Dark Mocha, and read the first few chapters of a book. Headed to eastern Washington for a benefit fair for work, I got to the airport for my flight almost two hours early, and once I arrived at my gate discovered it was canceled!
So here I am. Finally, with a moment to update you, my loyal followers. haha.
I have just finished my 3rd quarter at NSCC. 40 credits down, 50 to go! I have a month off - Fall quarter doesn't begin until the 28th of September - and I could not be more excited for the break. I plan to read a book (or two!), watch Netflix movies I actually want to watch, spend Sundays doing absolutely nothing, and maybe even try to organize a workout routine I can follow.
I just uploaded all of our cruise photos to Facebook. We got back from the cruise on July 4th, so you can imagine that I've really been that busy for almost two months straight.
I did have some fun, however, with photos and stories to prove it! Lots of summer food photo blogging to come.
This fall I'm taking bio with LP, English 102 (required prereq), and either cultural anthropology or Math, depending on how well I do on the placement test. If I do really terribly, I might just study up and try it next quarter. I'm looking forward to bio with LP, since it's so much more fun to take a class with someone you know, and already spend plenty of time with, so we can study together at lunch and stuff. and carpool to class. We'll take Anatomy/Physiology together too which will be good for both of us I think, since that's supposed to be a pretty tough class. And since she has to do better in it than I do, I'll do pretty well!
Wonder if I could expense a pedicure while I'm waiting??