Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 begins with rain and wind, in Seattle. It begins with motivated inspirations and goals, in my heart. This year, I desire to do more than ever.

A New Adventure
On Monday, I begin classes at North Seattle Community College. English and Psychology. These are the first two courses on my adventure to Occupational Therapy. If all goes as planned, I will be an Occupational Therapist in about 6 years, finally holding a degree and heading into a career of my choice and that suits me well.

The Usual
Of course I always plan an intricate sort of weight loss plan that never works because I lose motivation to track every bit of food that goes into my mouth and avoid going to the gym after a few weeks, always with a good excuse. This year proves no differently, and I resolve to get to the gym and eat healthier than ever.

Sustainable Living
On that note, I plan on seeking foods that are more organic, more environmentally sustainable, and more meaningful to my diet. I love getting my veggies from Full Circle Farm and just yesterday I picked up my first carton of eggs with them. Looking for some meat and poultry sources as well. I know there are a ton at Eat Wild but the list is long  and daunting.

As I have recently learned the craft of knitting, I look forward to beefing up my skills and taking on more difficult projects. Next up: fingerless gloves. I have thoroughly enjoyed knitting and the projects I've created so far, and hope to show them here as well. I love the patterns I can find on Ravelry.

Domestic Diva
I love to be in the kitchen, when I have the time to pour over a meal or recipe. I am always complimented on how well things turn out, and as I rarely follow recipes, I take this as a sign that I'm just  a natural at it. My kitchen resolutions revolve around making, photographing, and sharing my creations more often. Skills cannot be honed if they are not even practiced!


  1. Um, first of all, great entry.
    Secondly - gee thanks for telling us all you've been blogging, you goober!

    (And if you DID mention it and I missed, it, then I'm the goober.)

  2. no worries - I didn't mention it before. I wanted to make sure I was actually going to write it in before I shared :)

    and thanks!
