Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sitting in the Airport....

I actually have nothing better to do at this moment. I have played Angry Birds (check it out), walked around the airport, had my Dilettante Dark Mocha, and read the first few chapters of a book. Headed to eastern Washington for a benefit fair for work, I got to the airport for my flight almost two hours early, and once I arrived at my gate discovered it was canceled!

So here I am. Finally, with a moment to update you, my loyal followers. haha.

I have just finished my 3rd quarter at NSCC. 40 credits down, 50 to go! I have a month off - Fall quarter doesn't begin until the 28th of September - and I could not be more excited for the break. I plan to read a book (or two!), watch Netflix movies I actually want to watch, spend Sundays doing absolutely nothing, and maybe even try to organize a workout routine I can follow.

I just uploaded all of our cruise photos to Facebook. We got back from the cruise on July 4th, so you can imagine that I've really been that busy for almost two months straight.

I did have some fun, however, with photos and stories to prove it! Lots of summer food photo blogging to come. 

This fall I'm taking bio with LP, English 102 (required prereq), and either cultural anthropology or Math, depending on how well I do on the placement test. If I do really terribly, I might just study up and try it next quarter. I'm looking forward to bio with LP, since it's so much more fun to take a class with someone you know, and already spend plenty of time with, so we can study together at lunch and stuff. and carpool to class. We'll take Anatomy/Physiology together too which will be good for both of us I think, since that's supposed to be a pretty tough class. And since she has to do better in it than I do, I'll do pretty well!

Wonder if I could expense a pedicure while I'm waiting??

Thursday, June 24, 2010


tagged by stichasaurus, here are the questions she's posed and my responses:

1) If you could be any animal on earth, which animal would you be and why?
I think I'd be a bird that could float - maybe a duck. They can fly over things, walk among them, and swim around them. Wouldn't mind that freedom.

2) What was your prized possession as a child? What happened to it?
I had this doll, named Heidi, who was my favorite. She and I went everywhere together, until the unfortunate day when my younger brother got a hold of it and ripped off her head.                 

3) Your house is on fire! Everyone's going to make it out okay, but you only have time to save 3 things. What do you grab?
I grab: my phone, camera, and computer. These things hold my memories, and I could always use another reason to go shopping for everything else!

4) What was your first pet as a child? What did you name it?
I had a teddy bear hampster named Misty. I felt so grown up and responsible taking care of her. Until I took her to school for the week and we thought it would be fun to let her roll around in her ball down a hill. She passed away the next week, presumably related to shock. :-\

5) When you first learned to parallel park, what kind of car were you driving? And how badly did you suck at it?
Well, I didn't learn before I took my driving test! I had to learn when I moved to an apartment when all parking was parallel on the street. I got really good at it in my Volvo 740GLE. In my Camry, however, which I've now had for 4 years, I still anxiously search for any other kind of parking before attempting to maneuver myself into a parallel spot. I am always worried that my rear end is bigger than it is! (story of my life, haha)

6) Chilling at home: Shoes, socks, bare feet, or slippers?
bare feet. Not a big slipper person, and only like socks when it's cold.

7) Would you rather go a lifetime without your favorite candy or a lifetime without dental floss?
I could handle life without my fave candy, but after a good meal of corn on the cob or steak, I need me some floss.

8) Tell me about a wardrobe malfunction...what happened, how badly did you blush?
Thankfully, nothing too horrendous has ever come between me and my clothes, but probably the worst thing was when the straps on a dress broke. I probably blushed more than necessary, but thankfully my quick thinking turned it into a halter dress and no lives were ruined!

Headed for the Border!

This evening begins the 2nd annual Eliav trip to Canada, and I couldn't be more excited for a 10-day vacation & cruise in Canada/New England! We head over to Montreal tonight, via an overnight flight that lands at 7am-ish tomorrow morning.
The ship boards on Saturday, and we're off for exciting adventures along the Northeastern coastline. We land in Boston on the 3rd, and are spending the 4th wandering through the historical part of town, which is perfect for independence day.
Looking forward to some R&R, a no worries vacation where all the meals are planned for me, the pool is open, and the weather is going to be beautiful!
See you next month!

Monday, June 21, 2010

PW's Asian Noodle Salad

Oh, hello there! It has been awhile, hasn't it? I've been quite busy with school, which is going well, and with baking and cooking and trying to be outdoors as much as possible when it's sunny. I have fallen in love with The Pioneer Woman, who has so many delicious recipes and fun stories to tell from her Oklahoma ranch life. Today's recipe is hers, and I must say, one of the most delicious salads I've ever had.

Cook 1 box of linguine, drain, rinse and chill.

Chop Vegetables:
1/2 head each napa and red cabbages
orange, red, and yellow bell peppers
3 green onions
bean sprouts
1 cucumber
1 carrot
and cilantro
1/2 bag spinach

In a food processor:
(more) cilantro
olive oil
sesame oil
soy sauce
chopped garlic
lime juice from one lime

5 oz toast cashews

combine ingredients in a large bowl, or trough, or bucket. I used the largest bowl I had and didn't have room for the spinach!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Best Salad

It actually doesn't matter what you put in the salad, as long as you include avocado. I like to use all the veggies I have on hand. Today it was cucumber, broccoli, bell pepper, avocado, corn, feta, tomato, and pine nuts. The key ingredient, besides the avocado, is this dressing.

Healthy Banana Muffins

courtesy of CountryGirlCooks, via Tasty Kitchen

Healthy Banana Muffins

I had three overripe bananas, with which I planned to whip up a loaf of my usual Banana Bread, but lately I've been more interested in alternative ingredients to make my favorite things. So I stumbled upon this recipe and saw that it's made with yogurt, no butter!

Super easy to make, and boy are they delicious. I made mini muffins, so I just put them in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes, and they turned out just right. We'll see how they hold up for tomorrow morning.

LOST Finale!

We are so excited/terribly depressed to watch the finale of Lost tonight. It's been 6 seasons worth of standing dates with the television. And now, after tonight, it will be all over.
I really wanted to have a full, all out Lost-themed dinner party, but due to lack of attendees it just didn't seem worth it. So we are having Jack and "Smoke" Muenster(monster) cheese with crackers, Hawaiian pizza, and for dessert, Dharma Initiative frosted cookies.

Other items I thought would have made the night: fried chicken (for Hurley), Cupcake Royale's cupcake called "Kate", "Jin" and tonic, "Sun"daes, Good "Hume"or bars, Lox (for Locke), fancy whiskey, fish biscuits, and listening to some "Miles" Davis. I'm sure I could have come up with many more but this list is pretty good.

I love themed dinners/parties/events!

During the last presidential race, we threw an inauguration party with: Barackoli, Michello shots, Obasagna, Obalad featuring Michield greens, Oberries, and Yes We Candied walnuts, InsprirationALE, Freedom Fruit Salad, Biden Bread, and hope for Americookies. It was so fun.

I would really enjoy party planning, I think. It could make for a good part time job :) Too bad, in this economy, the demand for party planners isn't as high as it used to be...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fresh Coconut Cake

From Cooking Light

I found this recipe and since Jon and I both like coconut, I thought I'd give this a try. It turned out delicious! I used a fresh coconut - juiced and shaved it all by myself! Next time, I would probably use a prepared coconut or canned juice and dried flakes to ease the amount of work it was. The frosting was so amazing. Italian meringue - not too difficult to make and so fluffy and rich! I would definitely make this one again, and recommend it to anyone who likes coconut!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Taking Wednesday afternoons off was probably the best idea ever! I've done some laundry, studied for all three of my classes, done the dishes, and still have some time for me!

I *love* food blogs. Of course. Recently I've discovered some standouts: Smitten Kitchen is just one of them. I think I gained 5 lbs just looking at the pics.

I don't think I'll ever attempt to make any money or anything with my blog, but if I did, there would be some pretty steep competition. And anyway, I'm not organized enough to consistently write awesome posts like others out there do.

I may attempt, however, to use my free time on Wednesdays to compile a post that is actually interesting to read and maybe even informative. This new time allows me to actually do things with the rest of my week that could be considered worthwhile, like hanging out with friends, making real food, keeping the apartment clean, etc. you know, the things you are always trying to balance.

For now, a photo of my tulip (yes, the only one that has flowered as of yet, while all the tulip fields in Mt Vernon are flourishing). Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave them exposed until they were already attempting to sprout.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

All I do is Work and School

Spring quarter began last week, and I'm taking 15 credits! Ack. Sociology, Lifespan (Developmental) Psych, and Human Nutrition. Both Sociology and Nutrition are online, and Psych is on campus. So far, though, so good. Psych and Sociology are lecture/reading based, with only a couple assignments the whole quarter. Nutrition also looks like it will be completely do-able. The thing is, sociology and psych are quite similar, in that the terms and topics discussed are overlapping already. Not sure if that's good or bad yet.

After a lot of apprehension, I asked to have my work schedule modified so I can have more time off for studying. I wanted to work 4 10's and have Wednesdays off. I knew that asking for a Friday or Monday would be an immediate no, and I really don't want a longer weekend, I want a day where all I'm doing is schoolwork, so that I'm not worried about it all weekend. So, I asked Tina, who gave me an immediate yes, but then there was Matt to talk to. So I finally asked him about it last week, and ended up with 4 9's and one 4. Wednesdays I'll work 7am-11, then I'll have an extra 6 hours to focus on school, which is fine. 4 10's would have been pretty difficult anyway. I lose focus as is after about 6 hours....

I also see myself having more time for myself on these Wednesdays, which will be nice. Our apartment has been a mess for awhile, since I started school. No motivation to keep things up as well now that my spare moments are spent trying to just relax.

So here's to my 2nd quarter of classes! At this rate, I'll be done by next summer, ready to start at UW (?) in the fall of 2011. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Now We Are (Twenty)Six

I didn't discover the collection of poetry by A.A. Milne until I was an adult, but the title of this particular book fits me perfectly today :)

I am at home sick with a sinus thing and a scratchy throat, and I am so bored! I watched everything I could get away with watching yestersay on the DVR (of course I saved Lost for when Jon gets home) and I'm so tired of sitting on the sofa. I knit a hat, I organized my recipes....I am going to read Zeitoun today.

I walked to Bartell's to pick up some Mucinex D but they only had a large pack that cost $25. I'm not that desperate yet, so I just purchased a neti pot, which seems to have helped quite a bit already. It's such a nice day out it's a shame I'm sick. I may just go out on the patio and read a bit.

Tonight I am being rescued from my solitude and enjoying a birthday dinner with my good friend Robyn, the only one who is apparently available today. I'm planning a get together for next weekend - hopefully people will be able to attend then.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I love breakfast. To be fair, I love food. I love cooking, baking, and the beverages that go along with it. But I really love breakfast. 

A couple years ago, my friend Chrissy gave me this book, Morning Food, for my birthday, which I promptly read cover to cover and picked out a few favorites to make for a brunch which she and her mother and Rose all attended. It was too much food, but it was all so delicious.

Jon and I spent a year on a "best Seattle breakfast" search, trying a new place almost every weekend. I discovered my favorite at the High Spot, a cute little cafe in the Madrona neighborhood in Seattle. They have delicious omelets and scones, and it's like you're eating breakfast in someone's living room - the cafe is set in an old house and was left to look like it. Jon's favorite probably includes pancakes somewhere.

Breakfasts at home are typically not so gourmet - simple pancakes or waffles or eggs with toast, and some turkey bacon, fruit, and coffee.
I pulled out the Morning Food book today and am inspired to make a delicious breakfast soon.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Spring!

From top left, clockwise: knitting these gloves with my freshly manicured fingertips, Husky themed tulip bouquet to welcome spring, my thriving windowsill herb garden, and me, Lisa, and Robyn hiked up to Twin Falls a couple weekends ago.

Great March 2010 so far.

Wednesday is my Birthday!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Knitting Book Review

I recently checked out a couple knitting books from the Library.

The first, Knitted Gifts, I really liked, and pulled quite a few patterns to try. I'm especially excited to make the Shaadi Mitts and tote bag. The designs are current and a little challenging.

The second book, One More Skein, was a bit dissapointing after the first book. I was hoping for more cute fun patterns, and was instead given baby leg warmers, knitted jewelry, and boring fingerless gloves. There is probably one pattern in the whole book I think is worth knitting. Oh well. I didn't buy the books, so really nothing is lost.

I do have one more book on hold: fun hats.

I really wish I had more time to knit, but I can't even bring myself to do the dishes when I get home in the evenings! Weekends are full of other events, like studying.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunshine and Spring!

I couldn't help but think of spring this week with the warm sunny days we have been given. This weather isn't so great for the Olympics, which are a mere 4 hours away, but it makes me (and seemingly the rest of Seattle) pretty happy.
So I got out on the deck today,  pulled up all the dead stuff, dumped out gross water from the empty planters, and found that my tulips and daffodils, which had been sitting out loose all year, were growing new shoots. I planted them, and am really looking forward to their blooms. I want to plant some berries this year some nice, easy wildflowers.

We walked to and around Greenlake - a 2.8 mile lake with about a mile to and from. It was so lovely.

Then I cleaned up the apartment and got ready for Chrissy and Rose to come over for ladies night while Jon was at the Bon Jovi concert with his sister. I made, and unfortunately forgot to photograph, a stuffed salmon, asparagus, and yam fries. yum! For dessert I made no pudge brownies, and to drink I made a white wine spritzer.
Rose did attempt to drink the brownie batter, but who could blame her? It looked so yummy!

We watched The Time Traveler's Wife, which was actually pretty well done for a made from book film.
Had a great evening, and love it when we all have a chance to get together and catch up!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 Olympics

We drove up Friday the 12th, for the Opening Ceremonies that night. Attempting to check out the venue where the opening ceremonies were being held, we ran into a protest, and saw the motorcade whisking VP Joe Biden towards the event. While we couldn't get into the LiveCity Yaletown site to watch it on the big screen as it was too crowded, we did get to watch it on TV with some other fans while satisfying our tummies at a little Asian fusion restaurant about two blocks from BC Place, where the ceremonies were being held. That was pretty awesome. Afterward, we wandered our way back to the bus to take us to the house we stayed at - a friend of Irit's was kind enough to let us use their home while they escaped the Olympics madness.

Saturday, we headed back downtown to check out speed skating at the Yaletown site - unfortunately, we just experienced a couple hours of commercials from the sponsors - Coca Cola, Panasonic, Samsung, and Acer were all there with huge indoor tents full of activities. The Big screen, which was supposed to have the Olympic events, was instead being used to show footage of a Bollywood performance, which, while fun, was not what we had planned for. We finished the night with Wilco, who performed there.

Sunday, we slept late and had lunch at Earls before heading downtown, where we stopped at the Olympics Superstore. Jon got a hoodie and I got a workout top, with the Olympics logo on it. We wandered over to BC Place to watch the Victory Ceremony, and got to see the US win 5 medals. They began the event with a celebration of BC, which was cool, and Nelly Furtado closed the night with her hits. We walked up to a little restaurant called Jimmys, which had yummy food and a TV for us to watch more of the games.

On Monday we went down to see the cauldron, which was behind a fence to keep protesters out. Then we checked out LiveCity Downtown, which, while a lot smaller than the Yaletown site, was great b/c they had an indoor area to watch the games and comfy chairs to sit in. We rested there for awhile, watching a hockey game and some figure skating and speed skating. Then Jon and I split off from the group (Irit's friend and her children and cousin had come up for the day) for a date night. We ate sushi and then walked around Yaletown, considered going to see Matisyahu at LiveCity, but it had started raining and the line was pretty long to get in. So we walked up to Granville Street instead and shared a Nutella and Banana crepe. yum!

Today, we saw Shannon Bahrke when we went to grab a coffee before leaving Vancouver.

It's nice to be home, but the trip was certainly a great experience.

Monday, February 15, 2010

MSG (More Specific Goals)

Healthy Body Goals:

I started tracking all my food on on the 1st, and I'm going to do it for the whole month. That's goal number 1. In March, I will resume the c25k training, and by May will be able to run a 5k. In April, I will add in a strenth-training routine.

Healthy Mind Goals:

Quarter 1 is 1/2 over, and I'm planning the next. It's been a hard 6 weeks already! Sometimes I'm not sure what I've got myself into is worth it, but I know it will be in 6 years....Looking forward to the end result. Reminding myself often that each step is important.

Healthy Hobby Goals:

I've not been able to knit and relax as much as I'd like, but this weekend I began (and will finish!) my first fingerless gloves. This time, hopefully, I will do the thumb correctly. I'm using Mirasol baby llama yarn, in coral, and this cute pattern.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Recap

Classes have been going alright - I have my first exam in Psych tonight and my first mini-essay due in English today. Nervous about the exam, as I am not quite sure just what to expect, but am sure I will do alright.

Friday, I left work early with a headache I had woken up with and just an overall feeling of yuckiness. So I napped and caught up on my DVR shows. I felt a lot better by the time Jon got home, so we went to dinner at Ballard Mandarin. Not the best, but convienent. Then, for lack of anything "better" to do, we went bowling at the lanes where we have our weekly league bowl with Underdog Seattle. We bowled three games, and they gave us the league pricing, so the evening was pretty cheap! I bowled pretty well and Jon bowled pretty consistently. Hopefully we can do the same tomorrow at league.

Saturday, Keren picked us up and we walked around Greenlake, then went to breakfast at Mae's Cafe in Phinney. They have great breakfast! Keren wanted a place with good pancakes, and I think she was pleased with our choice. Jon and I both had a benedict - he had the ham, I had the florentine. We were full up till dinner time! The rest of the day we just lounged, which was really great since I have been working every Saturday, and haven't just had a day to really relax yet this year! Then, Saturday night we went to see a play at The Rep in Seattle, to see Speech and Debate. It was a really fun play, with current topics and music. Then we drove out to Issaquah to do karaoke at a little Mexican restaurant. The people there weren't quite ready for karaoke I think - there wasn't any rotation really, because no one was signing up to sing! Oh well, their loss. I sang all I wanted to! As if that weren't enough, we then drove out to Snoqualmie Casino and tried our luck at the slots. Jon managed to do pretty well, but I lost every cent I bet. :( Makes up for the money I won last time I guess...

Sunday, we went downstairs to the coffee shop in our building, and I studied while Jon did some work. I think were there for about three hours! I got a lot done though. To break up the studying, we went to Target to pick up some necessary items - body wash, laundry detergent, shampoo - then stopped at Jewel Box Cafe for a bubble tea. Yum! Then back home to study some more!

I also attempted to knit a hat on Friday, but after about the 16th row, I pulled something out and had to start all over! I hate when I do that. Oh well. I will finish it someday. I also need to re-start my fingerless gloves....

I made my first test teacup candle, using a mini teacup instead of one of the really pretty standard size ones. It turned out! I had added some apple cinnamon scent, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make them all scented. I might just want to do unsented, since some people are sensitive to smells. I think I can sell them for $10/each on etsy....which is nice, since it doesn't cost that much to make them. I have 8 teacups with saucers to use up. Then, if my sales go well, I might try and pick up more! We'll see.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Asparagus + Sweet Potatoes = Dinner!

Being in school makes my eating habits a bit interesting. I ate a bowl of cereal and some celery with peanut butter the other night for dinner, and tonight I roasted up some asparagus (appetizer) and sweet potatoes (main course). It's not unhealthy, at least. Just unusual. I will need to, sooner rather than later, put some actual meals together so that my boyfriend does not eat like he's in college too. Pizza, top ramen, and spicy wings are not good dinners! 

I've been doing pretty well, as far as I can tell, without keeping a record of everything I eat and its nutritional value - I did keep an accurate journal last Wed-Fri of my caloric intake, and on Wednesday, I only consumed about 1,000 calories, which I now believe may have contributed to my almost complete breakdown - the stress of being in class had almost caused me to lose it and it was only the first week! An underconsumption has been a problem in the past - not that I'm trying to starve myself, but I eat something low calorie but full of nutrients like protein, then forget to make sure I eat something more to meet my daily calorie needs. 

Eating out hasn't been an issue yet, as we've hardly gone out to eat. We did go to
The Macaroni Grill with Jon's family and I looked at the menu before we left to feel out what I might order. Without the nutrition facts available online, I still managed to choose the healthiest option on the menu, at only 290 calories!

Jumbo Shrimp Spiedini - "Succulent jumbo shrimp seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and fresh lemon zest. Grilled on skewers with fresh rosemary and served with colorful roasted vegetable"...

So I also ordered a cup of soup, to ensure that I would stay full for the rest of the evening.
I just got Real Simple's February issue, and it contains 400 calorie dinners, which were also advertised in an email I received today, offering a month of 400 calorie dinners. I think I'll take a look and see what I can do with the time I have. 

I also received a Cooking Light the other day, which will be great for meal planning as well. I forgot that I had ordered a subscription and was quite surprised when it showed up in the mail box!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back to School

I have now completed my first week of classes. English seems like it will be the easier of the two, as Psychology has already required two assignments and a quiz.

The next 6(ish) years are bound to bring a lot of stress and a big workload, but I just have to remind myself that it's worth it for the next 30 or so years of work! It's kind of hard to believe that we have to work so long. Basically, we spend the first 65 years working hard to maybe enjoy the last 10 - 15. I at least want to have a job I worked hard for and am interested in. Something where I can help people.

I began knitting my first pair of fingerless gloves and am so looking forward to completing them, if only I could find the time! Hopefully I will have time today to work on them, after my massage at Re-Leaf Massage.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 begins with rain and wind, in Seattle. It begins with motivated inspirations and goals, in my heart. This year, I desire to do more than ever.

A New Adventure
On Monday, I begin classes at North Seattle Community College. English and Psychology. These are the first two courses on my adventure to Occupational Therapy. If all goes as planned, I will be an Occupational Therapist in about 6 years, finally holding a degree and heading into a career of my choice and that suits me well.

The Usual
Of course I always plan an intricate sort of weight loss plan that never works because I lose motivation to track every bit of food that goes into my mouth and avoid going to the gym after a few weeks, always with a good excuse. This year proves no differently, and I resolve to get to the gym and eat healthier than ever.

Sustainable Living
On that note, I plan on seeking foods that are more organic, more environmentally sustainable, and more meaningful to my diet. I love getting my veggies from Full Circle Farm and just yesterday I picked up my first carton of eggs with them. Looking for some meat and poultry sources as well. I know there are a ton at Eat Wild but the list is long  and daunting.

As I have recently learned the craft of knitting, I look forward to beefing up my skills and taking on more difficult projects. Next up: fingerless gloves. I have thoroughly enjoyed knitting and the projects I've created so far, and hope to show them here as well. I love the patterns I can find on Ravelry.

Domestic Diva
I love to be in the kitchen, when I have the time to pour over a meal or recipe. I am always complimented on how well things turn out, and as I rarely follow recipes, I take this as a sign that I'm just  a natural at it. My kitchen resolutions revolve around making, photographing, and sharing my creations more often. Skills cannot be honed if they are not even practiced!